
Sunday, October 3, 2010

UPDATE: Greenpois0n to be Released This Sunday Morning!

greenpois0nSo who out there is dying for greenpois0n?! (For those that are unfamiliar with what Greenpois0n is, it's the next jailbreak for iDevices with the newest iOS. If you're not a big iPerson none of that explanation will help and I'm sorry.) I've upgraded my iPhone 4 to 4.1 and I love the HDR but I miss my jailbreak. I'm really tired of seeing how there are people out there phishing and scamming people. Of course with how long these types of scams have been around I'm surprised there are people out there dumb enough to give out their info without doing research. I've searched on google a dozen times for Greenpois0n and haven't come across one phishing site. The legitimate site is, right now it's just a picture of the logo which I have used in this post. There were a few YouTube videos with bogus links but, it seems like google does a pretty good job keeping the scammers away. It's supposed to be released soon, so I've signed up for quickpwn's email newsletters and I check daily. Anyway, I was curious about the fake install that's supposedly floating around. I read how there's a download full of Trojans. Has anyone actually come across a phony download, or even run across one of the phishing sites?

UPDATE, iPhone jailbreaker George Hotz author of the blackra1n jailbreak, posted that the greenpois0n jailbreak is confirmed to be released Sunday October 10, 2010 at 10:10 AM GMT. Click here to visit his blog and read the article yourself. So set your clocks, and get ready all you iPhone 4 , iPod touch 4th gen, or iPad owners! It's almost time to jailbreak!


The Messy Apron said...

I want it so bad! I can't wait!! I havnt updated my phone yet because I don't want to be without my jailbreak, :( I havnt heard anything about when it's coming out. I get all that Info from my husband.

vibe said...

hdr on iphone?

Light Weight Baby! said...

very interesting!

Lemmiwinks said...

Great post!

looking forward to reading the next one

HiFi said...


Jackbumper said...

Oh sweet!

JRam said...

They don't have a release date? I don't follow iDevices normally.

Sona-Love said...

Yeah, viva la revolution!

Izzie said...

I did not know about this but I'm glad you brought it up!

loloriz0r said...

i love apple gettin pwn3d by them on a regular basis :>

Dyaitsidyam∂ said...

hadn't heard of this, thanks for the tip

Michele said...


Ultimate Banana said...

Can you do this with my old Nokia? ;)

remzi said...

Never heard of it
Might check it out

Longkid said...

Thanks for the tip! :D

nicole said...

great post...very interesting

following & supporting you
take care.

aGas said...

never came across a phony download.

jrep said...

I am sure some phishing sites are out there..

Discerning Gentleman said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Beating Inertia has a new Q&A post!

the grim said...

never even heard about it, but i will chack it out later on.

ikatashi said...

i know i cant wait

LoreBlogger said...

apple should allow this.

i_love_weed said...

trojans on phones?
how far weve come...

Crammarc said...

i need an iphone

Dan said...

I want it for my iPad!

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