Are there any Bioshock fans out there? Of course there are. So, what do you think of Infinite? Are you as excited as I am to play? If you haven't seen the gameplay trailer yet, watch it now.
I remember buying the first Bioshock when it came out. I had seen it before in ads online but didn't really know what it was about. So on payday back in '07 I just bought it. I judged the game by it's cover, and I got lucky. I loved it! It was unlike any game I had played before. New story, new enemy type, new atmosphere. Then Bioshock 2, didn't really impress me with a story, buy the gameplay was fantastic! A terrific upgrade from it's predecessor. Now looking at Bioshock Infinte, I'm not sure quite yet what to expect. But the one thing I'm confident in, is the fact this game will not let the franchise down. It's going to be great.
I haven't played the series before. Always on the lookout for games to pick up and try though. Based on that mini-review, I'll have to check it out. Thanks.
Bioshock 2 = legit
I got into Fallout 3 instead of Bioshock, but I've heard interesting things so might try it out.
its a great game i'm glad you gave it a chance
looks like an awesome game
Bioshock was hailed as one of the best games of the yearwhen it came out. I haven't played #2 myself but it certainly looks cool. Bioshock infinite looks interesting.
I really don;t play Bioshock, but all I have to say is who the hell in their right minds would want to go back to Rapture after seeing that Gameplay clip.
And I meant that in a good way.
Cool post bro!Thanks!
Supp :D
You know, I never picked up bioshock. But the more I hear about, i'm thinking of getting.
looks amazing.
looks sick, great vid, haven't seen that one before.
I appreciate you visiting my blog and providing input on my most recent post.
Very visually impressive. Looks like it will be better than the first.
Calling it Bioshock is a bit offputting, I saw the gameplay trailer, and it looked pretty damn awesome, friggen crow man looked kind of scary
I've never played any of them before, but that was FANTASTIC!!!! I'm getting them ASAP.
can't wait, I love the bioshock games
Its so amazing! Although sometimes I am a pansy and I make my husband play it with me because it scares me. hehe
bioshock looks good, but i'm going to get fallout instead
Looks like this could be a pretty epic game, like the last one =P
Cant wait for it.
i loved the first two! can't wait for this one. its gonna be awesome for a city in the air!!
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