If you had to pick five, and only five third-party iPhone
apps, what would they be? These can be from AppStore or CydiaStore
whatever, it doesn't matter. Just five apps, and why.
My Five:
- MyWi
I use MyWi all the time! It's an Internet tethering app from Cydia
that allows you to share your phones 3G with other devices. It's great
for laptops if you want to use wifi, and great for desktops because
you can tether through the USB cable also. This is what we use at my
house for all of our Internet needs. Speedtest.net always ranks us in the
high 3mbps. Which is good enough to watch netflix, and get a torrent
going on the side. - Netflix
Ever since the Netflix app was released, all productivity stopped.
Seriously, it's amazing to be able to watch your whole instant queue
whenever you want. Why would you even need to sync movies to your
iPod? Tv shows maybe? Which brings me to... - Hulu+
For shows you can't find on Netflix, try Hulu! With the plus
subscription you get access to everything Hulu has to offer. Yes the
ads are annoying, but think of all the shows you can watch! - Words With Friends
This one isn't really a recommendation to everyone, unless you really like Scrabble. This has just grown on me the past few months and now I'm addicted. - Carcassonne
A game I had never heard of before, and one day my brother-in-law gifted this to my wife and I. We tried it out, and didn't know what the heck was going on. As we figured it out, it quickly became one of our favorite games. Not only is a challenge mentally, but it looks great! It was one of the first apps we had with full retina display support. It looks fantastic! Greatly addictive.
So, those are my five. Please share which apps you can't live without!
i wish i could say, dont have one
I definitely agree with you on the first three you listed, especially the Netflix app. I also use a fitness app for my weight lifting routine, and a guitar tuner app quite a bit as well.
Not a fan of apple. I don't even have anything that starts with i.
not sure about my top 5 - but <3 the netflix
I don't have an iphone
awsm list!
Great post, no iphone though....
I like your ideas here :)
Damn i have to get that netflix app!
informative thanks!
I really don't know. Still new to this whole itouch thing and don't have that many important apps. >.<
docs to go or quicoffice
and somthin random
Epic list bro. I got an ipod touch shipping out so I can't wait to load up some old favorite apps back from my iPod days
Thanks for the insightful comments on my last blog post!
twitter, yelp/menu pages, something for doodling...
bah. I don't know.
I must be the only person alive who hates touch-screen phones.
iFart iFart iFart iFart iFart ;]
I'm an avid reader of yours so I'd appreciate it if you headed over to my blog and voted in my poll and stuff =)
check out my blog to see some awesome apps
i wish i had an iphone but i know of a few i would like: facebook, wordsfree, and then whatever else. its been so long since i had a iphone lol i dont kno what kind of games there are now
Hmm I think my fav would for sure be MyWI, got to have my internet tethering. Debt Tracker, Netflix, My3g and well I use facebook a ton lol
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